Huronda Campfire Sing-Along
It’s a live, in-person,Camp Huronda Sing-along!
On Sunday Mar 10 from 12:30 to 3, there will be an afternoon of camp/campy tunes, performed & surrounded by Huronda people past and present. Please get in touch with Jeff Yolleck through Facebook to let him know if you plan to come …and with whom! Also let him know if you’ll lead a tune or two. (I’ll put you in touch with our Emcee/Keeper-of-the-♪♬♫)
Just a mile South of the 401, Safari Bar&Grill has kindly given camp the free use of their upstairs seating area, so please consider lunch..or a snack…or a drink.
If you know anybody that you think may NOT be on Facebook, or may not see this for one reason or another, we are asking you to share the invite-image attached. Whatever way you can communicate the info in the poster, is great.
P.S. Singing is not a requirement.
  • When: Sunday, March 10
  • Time: 12:30 – 3pm
  • Cost: FREE
  • Where: Safari Bar & Grill
  • Directions HERE

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